Indeed, We shall revive the dead, We are Recording all that they are sending ahead and their footprints left behind, We have Recorded everything in an Open Ledger.
Each individual will receive rewards not only for the good and bad deeds they did while alive but also for the legacy they leave behind for mankind, including their descendants. Whoever leads a life under the Light of Adhikr—the Straightpath—and enables mankind, including their descendants, to lead such a life by propagating or teaching them Adhikr, leaves behind a good heritage. They will receive a portion of the reward for their good deeds, in addition to their deeds. By hiding and rejecting Adhikr whoever leads a misguided life, he leaves behind a bad heritage. They will also receive a portion of the reward for their bad deeds, in addition to theirown deeds. Since the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar is hiding and rejecting Adhikr, on the Day of Judgment they will have to bear a portion of all the evils and disasters that any creature of the Lord suffers in this world, as explained in verses 20:99-100.
‘We are recording all that they are sending ahead and the footprints they leave behind’ refers to the Book of Deeds, as explained in verses 17:13-14; 18:49; 23:62-63, etc. Only the believer, who considers Allah as Impartial and Adhikr as Guidance, will feed into their Book of Deeds the life of the Three-Time Knowledge, Adhikr, through their thoughts, speeches, and deeds, as told in verses 22:34-35.
By forgetting Adhikr—the Reminder—these Fujjar have become bore people, as explained in verse 25:18. These worst creatures, without considering the Soul and Hereafter, are rejecting the forty names of Adhikr. They do not convert their Jinn soul mate into a believer with Adhikr, as told in verses 43:36-39. So their Jinn soul mates are encouraging them to feed the sexual organs of the opposite gender into their Recording Book fastened around their necks, which they will not like to read and see on the Day of Judgment, as explained in verses 17:13-14 and 18:49.
The All-Knowing Lord has already recorded in a Book whatever things are happening in the universe, as told in verses 6:59; 9:51; 10:61; 11:6; 22:70; 27:75; 34:3; 35:11; and 57:22. That Book is Adhikr—the Three-Time Knowledge of the All-Knowing Lord. See explanation 2:261; 4:85; 29:12-13.